Visit Us
St. Basil the Great Orthodox Church
205 Highland Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63122
205 Highland Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63122

From I-44
- Take the exit going north on Interstate 270.
- Exit at Dougherty Ferry Road and turn left (west).
- Turn left (south) onto Highland Avenue.
- Drive about 200 yards and the driveway entrance for the church is on the right.
From I-64
- Take the exit going south on Interstate 270.
- Exit at Dougherty Ferry Road and turn right (west). Make sure to take the left hand lane in the exit lane so that you will be in the correct lane to turn left onto Highland Avenue.
- Turn left (south) onto Highland Avenue.
- Drive about 200 yards and the driveway entrance for the church is on the right.