Parish Clergy

The Very Reverend Archpriest Martin Swanson
Parish Founding Pastor
Founder of the Diocesan Pastoral School
Founder of the Diocesan Pastoral School

The Very Reverend Archpriest Sergii Alekseev
Parish Rector
Dean of the Fifth Deanery
(States of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Illinois (South))
(States of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Illinois (South))

The Very Reverend Protopresbyter-Stavrophore Radomir Chkautovich
Retired - Attached
Rector Emeritus of Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church, St. Louis, MO

Junior Clergymen
Subdeacon Ivan Alekseev
Reader Symeon Campbell
Reader Daniel Domer
Reader Constantine Stade
Lay Readers
Joseph Steineger
David Peck